Department of «Computer Engineering»

Head of the department

Ziyatbekova Gulzat Ziyatbekkyzy

PhD, Associate professor


Department address:
Almaty, Furkat Street, 348/4, Office 319-2B

The Department of Computer Engineering traces its origins back to 1989. Its initial name was "Automation and Computer Engineering" of the Almaty branch of the Jambul Institute of Light Industry. In 1996, the department was renamed to "Informatics and Applied Mathematics" of the Almaty Technological Institute, and since 1999, it has been functioning under the auspices of ZAO ATU. From 2012 to 2023, the department was known as "Information Technologies." In 2023, the department was divided into two, and one of them is our department - "Computer Engineering."

The Department of Computer Engineering is involved in the design, development, and maintenance of both software and hardware components of computer systems. Computer engineers work on creating new technologies, improving existing systems, developing embedded systems, and solving problems in the field of computer technology.

Students studying in the "Computer Engineering" specialty acquire knowledge in electronics, programming, computer architecture, networks, and also gain skills to work with modern technologies in the field of information technology.

The department offers two undergraduate educational programs: "Computer Engineering and Software" and "Software Engineering."

Using the knowledge, accumulated experience and potential, to provide high-quality training of IT specialists who are able to apply theoretical knowledge and engineering skills for the design and development of computer software.

Providing high-quality education for the training of highly qualified, competitive IT specialists with innovative thinking, possessing theoretical and applied knowledge and capable of developing and implementing innovative solutions in the field of the IT industry.

•    implementation of multi-level training of students in the field of advanced information technologies in the research, development and design of hardware and software for computer devices for various purposes;
•    ensuring continuous improvement of teaching quality;
•    updating and modernization of educational programs;
•    carrying out work on the development, modernization and strengthening of the material and technical base of the educational laboratories of the department;
•    establishing links with scientists from other universities and with advanced IT companies to improve the quality of education, conducting educational, industrial, pre-graduate practices and joint research and projects;
•    assistance to graduates of the department in finding employment, providing recommendations, advice and support;
•    development of the personnel potential of the department, improvement of their scientific and pedagogical qualifications, support of professional growth and facilitate the constant participation of teaching staff in trainings, seminars, conferences and scientific events;
•    implementation of practical and scientific activities aimed at the development, implementation and operation of hardware and software for computer technology and information and communication systems;
•    organization and conduct of scientific research and development of the research base.



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